Elton Vasconcelos
Dr Elton Vasconcelos is a Senior Bioinformatics Research Officer from Leeds Omics at the University of Leeds. He received his PhD degree in Cell and Molecular Biology (Aug. 2011 at the School of Medicine of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil), and was awarded with two personal postdoctoral fellowship grants approved for working in the fields of Omics and Bioinformatics applied to public health-impacting pathogens (Jan. 2013 - Dec. 2014 at Center for Infectious Disease Research, Seattle, WA, USA, and Jan. 2015 – Dec. 2016 at Institute of Chemistry, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil). Before joining Leeds Omics in Feb. 2019, he spent two years in California working as a key bioinformatician responsible for building a computational workflow for microbial community analysis in Veterinary Medicine (Jan. 2017 – Jan. 2019, College of Veterinary Medicine, Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, CA, USA).
For over 10 years, Dr Vasconcelos has been deeply involved in computational approaches, aiming scrutinizing target organisms’ genomes and transcriptomes, as well as investigating microbiomes from clinical samples, by adopting different high-throughput sequencing strategies and their respective downstream analyses. He has become Unix proficient and acquired advanced skills on programming languages such as PERL and R. His strong dual background in Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics, summed with his collaborations with researchers from Brazil and the USA, make him totally capable of developing basic research programs, as well as performing as many collaborative efforts as possible in the field of Computational Omics.
Areas of expertise: Bioinformatics data analyses on Genomics, Metagenomics, Transcriptomics, and Proteomics.
Other useful links: University Profile, Web of Science, ResearchGate, Github
Contact: e.vasconcelos@leeds.ac.uk
Selected publications:
Sci Total Environ. 2024. PMID: 38657818.
Metagenomes from microbial populations beneath a chromium waste tip give insight into the mechanism of Cr (VI) reduction.ATKINSON R§, GEORGIOU M§, YANG C§, SZYMANSKA K§, LAHAT A§, VASCONCELOS EJR§, JI Y, MOYA MOLINA M, COLLIN J, QUEEN R, DORGAU B, WATSON A, KURZAWA-AKANBI M, LAWS R, SAXENA A, SHYAN BEH C, SIACHISUMO C, GOERTLER F, KARWATKA M, DAVEY T, INGLEHEARN CF, MCKIBBIN M, LÜHRMANN R, STEEL DH, ELLIOTT DJ, ARMSTRONG L, URLAUB H, ALI RR, GRELLSCHEID SN, JOHNSON CA, MOZAFFARI-JOVIN S, LAKO M. PRPF8-mediated dysregulation of hBrr2 helicase disrupts human spliceosome kinetics and 5´-splice-site selection causing tissue-specific defects. Nature Communications. 2024. § Co-1st authorship. PMID: 38605034
Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus induces specialised ribosomes to efficiently translate viral lytic mRNAs. Nature Communications. 2023. PMID: 36653366
MARAN SR, FLECK K, MONTEIRO-TELES NM, ISEBE T, WALRAD P, JEFFERS V, CESTARI I, VASCONCELOS EJR, MORETTI N. Protein acetylation in the critical biological processes in protozoan parasites. Trends Parasitol. 2021. PMID: 33994102
MOREA EGO, VASCONCELOS EJR, DE SANTIS ALVES C, GIORGIO S, MYLER PJ, LANGONI H, AZZALIN CM, CANO MIN. Exploring TERRA during Leishmania major developmental cycle and continuous in vitro passages. Int J Biol Macromol, 2021. PMID: 33548324
LARA-REYNA S, POULTER JA, VASCONCELOS EJR, KACAR M, MCDERMOTT MF, TOOZE R, DOFFINGER R, SAVIC S. Identification of Critical Transcriptomic Signaling Pathways in Patients with H Syndrome and Rosai-Dorfman Disease. J Clin Immunol, 2021. PMID: 33284430
DRECHSLER Y§, VASCONCELOS EJR§, GRIGGS LM, DINIZ PPPV. CRFK and Primary Macrophages Transcriptomes in Response to Feline Coronavirus Infection Differ Significantly. Frontiers in Genetics, 2020. § Co-corresponding and co-1st authorship. PMID: 33343631
DRECHSLER Y§, VASCONCELOS EJR§, GRIGGS LM, DINIZ PPPV, COLLISSON E. Host Gene Expression of Macrophages in Response to Feline Coronavirus Infection. Cells, 2020. § Co-corresponding and co-1st authorship. PMID: 32526950
RUY PC, MONTEIRO-TELES NM, MISERANI MAGALHÃES RD, FREITAS-CASTRO F, DIAS L, AQUINO DEFINA TP, ROSAS DE VASCONCELOS EJ, MYLER PJ, KAYSEL CRUZ A. Comparative transcriptomics in Leishmania braziliensis: disclosing differential gene expression of coding and putative noncoding RNAs across developmental stages. RNA Biology, 2019. PMID: 30689499
VASCONCELOS, EJR; BILLETER, SA; JETT, LA; MEINERSMANN, RJ; BARR, MC; DINIZ, PPVP; OAKLEY, BB. Assessing cat flea microbiomes in northern and southern California by 16S rRNA Next Generation Sequencing. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 2018. PMID: 29893631
VASCONCELOS EJR *, MESEL VC, SILVA LF, PIRES DS, LAVEZZO GM, PEREIRA ASA, AMARAL MS, VERJOVSKI-ALMEIDA S. Atlas of Schistosoma mansoni long non-coding RNAs and their expression correlation to protein-coding genes. Database, 2018. * Corresponding author. PMID: 29992321
VASCONCELOS, E. J. R.; SILVA, L. F.; PIRES, D. S.; LAVEZZO, G.; PEREIRA, A. S.; AMARAL, M. S.; VERJOVSKI-ALMEIDA, S. . The Schistosoma mansoni genome encodes thousands of long non-coding RNAs predicted to be functional at different parasite life-cycle stages. Scientific Reports, 2017. PMID: 28874839
LAMBERTZ, U. ; OVANDO, M. O. ; VASCONCELOS, E. J. R. ; UNRAU, P. J. ; MYLER, P. J. ; REINER, N. E. . Small RNAs Derived From tRNAs and rRNAs Are Highly Enriched in Exosomes From Both Old and New World Leishmania Providing Evidence For Conserved Exosomal RNA Packaging. BMC Genomics, v. 16, p. 151, 2015. PMID: 25764986
VASCONCELOS, E. J. R. ; NUNES, V. S. ; SILVA, M. S. ; SEGATTO, M. ; MYLER, P. J. ; CANO, M. I. N. . The Putative Leishmania Telomerase RNA (LeishTER) Undergoes Trans-Splicing and Contains a Conserved Template Sequence. PLoS One, 2014. PMID: 25391020
JENSEN, B. C. ; RAMASAMY, G. ; VASCONCELOS, E. J. R. ; INGOLIA, N. T. ; MYLER, P. J. ; PARSONS, M. . Extensive stage-regulation of translation revealed by ribosome profiling of Trypanosoma brucei. BMC Genomics, v. 15, p. 911, 2014. PMID: 25331479
VASCONCELOS, E. J. R.; TERRÃO, M. C.; RUIZ, J. C.; VÊNCIO, R. Z. N.; CRUZ, A.K.. In silico identification of conserved intercoding sequences in Leishmania genomes: Unraveling putative cis-regulatory elements. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 2012 Jun;183(2):140-50. PMID: 22387760.
For a complete list of my publications, please click here.