National Measurement Laboratory visit on 20 Jan 2020

On 20 Jan 2020, LeedsOmics hosted a special full-day event for National Measurement Laboratory (NML) visit at our university main campus. We received two NML representatives (Dr Harry Barraza and Dr Alexandra Whale) who were able to introduce us to their research of excellence on cutting-edge technologies and beyond. Dr Whale, a research group leader at the NML, delivered a seminar on “Applications of digital PCR for accurate quantification of genomic DNA” at the Nexus Lecture Theatre in the morning. After the seminar, we provided a “lunch with the speakers” session, where PhD students, postdocs, and technicians were able to network with NML visitors. Finally, a “LeedsOmics Research Highlights” roundtable discussion session took place at the Worsley 7.04 FMH Board Room in the afternoon, which gave a chance for principal investigators associated with LeedsOmics to have an informal conversion with the visitors. Dr Elizabeth Duncan and Dr Viktor Lukacs from the Faculty of Biological Sciences and Dr Lynn McKeown and Dr Niamh Forde from the Faculty of Medicine and Health presented a brief talk on their own research progress and interests and Dr Dapeng Wang from LeedsOmics talked about standardization of omics data analysis workflow. This event will be marked as a starting point for the potential collaboration of LeedsOmics and NML in the future.